Thanks for stopping by spiphywarfare. We’ve all had struggles in the past and we simply want to help others through similar experiences.
What’s in a name? Well, spiphywarfare is a portmanteau from spiritual and physical, combined with warfare. Our body is God’s temple 11 Corinthians 3:16 and God should be exalted in our bodies 2 Philippians 1:20 . We’ve lost our way in taking care of God’s temple, as Pastor Steve Willis said, “Why can we talk about all matters of sin in the church, but we don’t talk about the sin of not taking care of the temples that God has given us,” and this ought not to be.
But giving the creator his proper due involves more than just being physically healthy. It involves being spiritually healthy and putting our beliefs into action.
The goal of spiphywarfare is to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles, physically and spiritually so that Christ can be glorified. What do these look like to us:
Physical Health:
- Our physical health involves what we eat,
- how we use our bodies, and
- how we use our time.
Spiritual Health covers:
- Believing rightly (rightly dividing)
- Perceiving reality rightly (understanding)
- Aligning correct belief with our actions (doers not hearers)