Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

So we got spearmint oil, among other stuff, in our November Wellness Box. I’ve been uploading the box openings. I was left a comment wondering what I was going to use the spearmint for.

Well, as most anyone my age is bound to know, growing older brings wisdom, and pains. Specifically it has brought me joint pains. Lately, I’ve had some days where my shoulder and elbows have been aching in the morning. They usually stop after a couple of hours. However, I’ve rubbed the below combination of oils on them in the morning and they stop aching almost immediately.

5 drops of carrier oil (I used jojoba oil)
3 drops spearmint oil
2 drops wintergreen oil

Personally, while there may be another brand that won’t harm you, I would use nothing other than Young Living Oils for any topical application or ingesting. Don’t be fooled into thinking that everything that says essential oil on it is the same. I was. Once. Turned out that instead of saving money, I was throwing it in the trash. I bought some at a large discount chain and diffused it about four times and got a massive headache every time. I know of others that have had the same experience.

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By Derek

Father of three. Married to my best friend. Follower of Jesus Christ. Love the outdoors.

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