Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

I sit here writing this wondering if it will actually ever get published or will it end up being another one of those countless posts that remains eternally in the draft stage. However, this has been weighing on me for several weeks now and writing is a form of catharsis for me, even if it is never shared. I wrote a little while back about whether or not I consider myself a Christian Nationalist. The answer there, as here, is, “it depends.” I don’t denounce it, because I see a time coming when the world will make it synonymous with “Christian” whether you like it or not. When that time comes, I don’t want to look back and have set myself up to have my own words used against me.

That, however, is not the point of this post. In fact, while Christian Nationalism (CN) is what this article is about, it is, in reality, a secondary subject. The point of this post is that it seems to me those Christian brothers opposed to using the title “Christian Nationalism” seem to ignore large swaths of scripture based on what I’ve seen. Disclaimer, as my feelings about CN are not the point, neither is the point of this post to be a gotcha with receipts against specified people yet. The sole point is to remind brothers of scripture and unity.

It occurred to me that perhaps the best start for this piece might be, “I, Derek, an unworthy believer but by grace a follower of Our Lord Jesus Christ, to the Church on Twitter/X, may grace and peace abound with, and between, each of you for the glory of God the Father.” However, it took very little thought to realize that would come across poorly to some. Nevertheless, the Church on Twitter is what has inspired this based on the division that is everywhere.

I think it only fair here that I briefly comment on The Statement on Christian Nationalism, a draft statement that is the result of efforts by some supporters to come to a working definition of CN. The Statement has 20 articles. I’ll briefly put a list of them below and whether or not I support them:

  • Introduction – agree
  • Article I – agree
  • Article II – mostly agree
  • Article III – agree
  • Article IV – agree
  • Article V – agree but have some question on the last sentence in paragraph two
  • Article VI – mostly agree
  • Article VII – agree
  • Article VII – mostly agree
  • Article IX – Mostly agree (not sure what Psalm 104:15 is supporting there TBH)
  • Article X – agree
  • Article XI – Kind of agree. Too few words dedicated to something complex and important.
  • Article XII – agree
  • Article XIII – could agree depending on what “instruct” looks like
  • Article XIV – agreee
  • Article XV – agree
  • Article XVI – agree
  • Article XVII – agree
  • Article XVIII – agree but think “holy war” should be clarified as not referring to the spiritual realm
  • Article XIX – agree
  • Article XX – mostly agree

The Actual Point

God’s Word is full of admonitions to love other believers. It is full of warnings to us that we’re not nearly as smart or wise as we think we are. It provides cautionary words lest we wreck ourselves in our pride.

Judging Believers & Unity

We are called to be discerning and to call out those in unrepentant sin (Matthew 18:15-17) and to do it publicly if necessary. We are also to disassociate from those preaching “another gospel” (Galatians 1:8). But that is not the end of it. We’re instructed on other ways to relate to brothers in Christ.

James 4:11-12 carries an admonition to not speak against on another. It also carries a pretty weighty warning that by judging a fellow believer, you are judging the law. That particular role is reserved for God alone. “Who are you to judge your neighbor” the writer asks. As I said, this is mainly directed to the Twitterverse but any time you start a Tweet with, “Oh, he’s a brother in Christ but…” I might suggest giving yourself some extra time to consider whether or not you are about to place yourself in the role of God.

It’s a terrible look when one boldly declares some self-assured judgment on a brother whose faith is carried out soundly but differently than theirs. “Who are you?” We are asked this again in Romans 14:4. Who are you to judge another man’s servant? God is the judge, and He will determine whether a believer stands or falls. No number of degrees or initials beyond your name can ever qualify you to make that judgment. If it’s not another gospel but rather an implementation you’re uncomfortable with, reconsider public criticism.

Body Parts Everywhere

“For just as in one body we have many members” in Romans 12:4 should be a pretty good clue that your function in the kingdom may be much different than mine. If all you knew was the function of an eyeball and were shown a large toe for the first time, you’d have little useful to say about it and you certainly could not understand it. Why would the church be different?

1 Corinthians 12:4-6 tells us there are different gifts, different ministries, and different results. Why should I expect my brother living out his obedience to Christ to look like mine? Perhaps, some of those who are already anti-Christian Nationalism are in fact, wrong. They could be right as far as I know. However, it’s obvious to me that they’re frequently attacking a version of it that is not the version espoused by the person on the receiving end of that attack. The wise thing to do when you do not understand something may be to hold your tongue, observe, and learn. There is, honestly, an even better reason not to attack CN advocates.

Fighting with God

If you’re opposed to CN, and you are attacking people who you also call brother (I’ve seen it), then please consider Jesus’ prayer in John 17. Our love for one another serves the purpose of informing the world that Jesus was sent by God. It’s an essential belief. Calling someone brother while calling them dangerous, wolves, or racist with no supporting information other than they claim the title of Christian Nationalist is not loving.

I find myself thinking a lot about Gamalial who had to warn the rest of the right-thinking, acceptable religious elite of his day that if they are not careful, they may find themselves fighting with God. Every time I see someone condemn a CN supporter and they offer no scriptural basis or worse, they misrepresent them, I can’t help but wonder if they are fighting God. Woe to those people if it turns out that the forming CN movement is one that God intended.

The fact that there were Nazis should not be used to condemn every person ever with German heritage. The fact that Westboro Baptist Church exists should not be used to condemn every church with the name Baptist on it. Likewise, the fact that some people under CN may have held objectionable views should not be used to condemn everything with CN on it.

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By Derek

Father of three. Married to my best friend. Follower of Jesus Christ. Love the outdoors.

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