Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

Jesus is frequently portrayed as nothing but soft, sensitive, and never offensive. I think Jesus wasn’t that way. Do you view him that way? His followers won’t view him as a convenience, a comfort, or a merit badge you put on and say, “Ah, now I have Jesus.” He has us! We don’t add him to our life, we let him take over it.

He’s to be viewed as a precious treasure which we give up everything for[ref]Matthew 13:44[/ref]. He’s to be so overpowering in our lives that our consideration for our own life and family might as well be hate when compared to him[ref]Luke 14:26[/ref].

Do you feel this way about Jesus? If not, contemplate the Lord’s very own words in Matthew 7:21-23. He says “many.” He doesn’t say “some” or say “few”.

If your friends don’t think you’re at least a little too fanatical about serving Christ, why is that? Can your co-workers tell any difference between you and the rest of their peers? We should check ourselves to make sure we are doing the will of the Father. That’s as plain as it can be. You can say “Lord, Lord” but lip service won’t work. Only the ones doing God’s will make it.

I shudder to think of Jesus plainly telling me, “I never knew you.”

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By Derek

Father of three. Married to my best friend. Follower of Jesus Christ. Love the outdoors.

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