Fri. Feb 7th, 2025

We had a chance to stay at Coyote Keeth’s RV Park just outside Clayton, NM recently. Here what I had to say on Google with some additional info:

This little park is super easy to find, super easy to get into a spot (they’re all large pull throughs), and super easy to get out of when it’s time to go.

Our 40′ trailer and pickup had no problem fitting in our site. I wish the hook-ups had been a little further back in the site but that is really a minor thing. We just parked the truck behind the trailer.

For us, it was the perfect place to stop midway to our destination. The whole park, including their bathrooms were clean.

The folks there seemed to be a mix of one night stays and people in the area to work. No junky trailers or sites were there. The New Mexico surise from our site was a beautiful way to start the day.

I stayed at an RV Park once where there were some junky trailers and long timers that had beat up lawn furniture and grills at their site. When we left I was glad to be out of there without witnessing an act of domestic violence. Sure way to get a pass from us when we’re travelling.

I’d give it a five (as an overnight stay) if not for the train tracks right across the street. I’d easily recommend it for people that just need to pull over for the night though.traveling.

I liked the train tracks a bit. They took me back to my youth when we stayed in some places near tracks while the family traveled. I could have used fewer passing throughout the night though.

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By Derek

Father of three. Married to my best friend. Follower of Jesus Christ. Love the outdoors.

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