In this “Christian” nation, far too many who claim to be believers never take the time to read scripture. I know because that was me for many, many years. It is easy to neglect. However, I’d suggest that knowing God’s Word is the most important aspect of being a believer. Prayer and fellowship with other believers are right behind.
Chapter 22 of the book of 2 Kings opens with a young king who obviously seeks to honor the Lord by having the temple repaired. I can’t imagine putting effort into this if his goal was something else. Surely, he thought he was doing right in the sight of God. While this work was going on, this happened:
Then Shaphan the scribe told the king, “Hilkiah the priest has given me a scroll.” Shaphan read it out loud before the king. When the king heard the words of the law scroll, he tore his clothes.
2 Kings 22:10-11
Josiah’s humility and repentance saved his nation. He was only able to do this by hearing the actual Word of God. It was obvious to him, when he heard the Word himself, that they were getting it all wrong. They had priests, they had a temple, they had it wrong.
When I finally started reading God’s Word faithfully, I started noticing things that had crept into the church. I started noticing modern church music often contained a phrase or two that was slightly off of what scripture said. I started catching single sentences in books that were otherwise fine that twisted a passage’s meaning ever so slightly.
It’s important to sit under the teaching of knowledgeable teachers. It’s okay to watch people online whether they be pastors, podcasters, or apologetic masters. Reading books related to our faith is fine. But all of it must be done with God’s Word as the foundation. Like us, these men are all fallible.
How often are you opening God’s Word yourself and not just letting others tell you what it says? Do you ever read it?
My suggestion if you want to start reading it yourself is to do that. Pick it up and read a chapter a day, or more if you feel like it. Just pick a book and determine to read it every day until you finish that book. Then, read the next book. You may just find yourself surprised.
Stay safe and keep the faith.
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