Anybody on đť•Ź, well, “Christian” đť•Ź anyway, is probably aware of the brouhaha going on due to the New Saint Andrews ad featuring Johnny Cash’s tertiary digit (see below). I generally stay out of the turmoil there because I rarely see any edifying or encouraging words offered to differing views. I’ll try to offer something worthwhile now, though. Why? Because I’ve never been more disappointed by so many people, across the entire gamut, who are generally edifying and uplifting.
The Ad
It seems to be directed towards attracting young men looking to make a stand against the massive cultural rot in society. The uproar comes from the fact that these men must be, among other things, “willing to hoist the Jolly Roger and Johnny Cash’s favorite finger whenever faced with idolatry.”
I’ll offer my own thoughts on the ad before continuing. That ad would never have seen the light of day if I were someone whose approval was needed before going live with it. That is not how we should present as Christians.
The Audience
Now, đť•Ź has all sorts of people claiming the name of Christ. There are blaspheming women who claim to be pastors preaching that Jesus was transgender and KJV only folks who deride any make-up/jewelry, women wearing pants, or using any other translation. There are racist anonymous (and non-anons) accounts constantly using racial slurs against minorities and racist black preachers who can’t answer when asked if white people can get to heaven.
I’m not writing about any of them here. I’m writing here about brothers and sisters that I see who usually have good insights.
The Issue
I think đť•Ź is designed to be divisive, and when we are immersed in it too long, being divisive may become our goal without us being aware of it. I think we tend to want all the people we agree with to know that we agree with them, and not those “other” people.
I think we may not count the cost of that. The cost is division. If, and it may be a big if, if in prayer they believed it to be within God’s will for them to do that ad, and they were correct, where does that leave you and your condemnation of them?
Some of the poorest takes that I’ve seen on this controversy have been to a man who literally asked for guidance on how to be a strong, Christian man with a backbone. He’s been ridiculed for being whiny and LARPing about being a man while “real” men are at work and not on đť•Ź. This, from his alleged sisters. Is that really how you want to respond to someone asking for guidance?
The other disappointing thing was that of people assuming motives. They’re doing this so they can feel good. They just want to (insert motivr here). That’s assuming an attribute specifically relegated to God in scripture. You don’t know anyone else’s heart to speak it factually. Just append, “I think” or “it seems” to the front of those statements, unless you really can see their heart. Otherwise, stop pronouncing judgment. Yes, we’re not to speak harshly, but the exceptions to that prove it is not a hard, fast rule. David ate show bread. Jesus told his brothers he wasn’t going to the feast and went. Things we see as violative may not be. Who are you to judge another man’s slave.
Do you really believe there is a time to kill (Ecc3:3)? If you don’t, your opinion is probably as valuable as Andy Stanley’s. If you do think God actually meant that there are times when intentionally ending a life is appropriate, then I don’t see it as a stretch that there may be a time to “give the bird to idols.” At the same time, I understand Ecclesiastes doesn’t say there is a time for obscene gestures. Just a time for everything.
None of that changes the fact that a good name is better than a good ointment or that a good reputation is better than great wealth. Saying that it could be appropriate doesn’t require throwing out being humble in spirit, placing ourselves last, or loving our neighbor. Saying it is never appropriate is putting yourself as the judge of your brother.
A response
It really wouldn’t be hard to make a post that says, “I don’t think that’s appropriate” and move down the road. Or would it? It doesn’t seem to me that it should be.
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