Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

List 30 things that make you happy.

In response to the prompt above, I was instantly pretty sure I couldn’t list thirty things, but we shall see. If I can’t, should I be worried?

  • Reading the Bible
  • Being near my wife
  • Talking with any of my children
  • Playing with the grandson
  • Playing games with family
  • Flying one of my drones
  • Writing ( a little bit)
  • Cooking with the wife
  • Driving to good music
  • Listening to birds greet the sun
  • Watching drogonflies hover over water
  • Hummingbirds
  • Seeing people change their lives for the better
  • Talking with friends I haven’t seen for a while
  • Time spent in prayer (mostly)
  • Camping
  • Riding a bicycle (when it doesn’t feel like we’re living in Hades)
  • Learning something new
  • Reading a good book
  • Photography
  • Making videos

Well, I got more than halfway there. That was more than I thought I would get to be completely honest. I’m not sure if this means I should find more things to make me happy, do these things more frequently, or nothing at all.

What makes you happy?

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By Derek

Father of three. Married to my best friend. Follower of Jesus Christ. Love the outdoors.

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